Consortium national de formation en santé

"Dites français" marketing strategy and campaign

  • Marketing strategy
  • Campaign concept
  • Promotional material design
  • Copywriting
  • Edirect and web banners
  • Web design and development of campaign’s microsite
  • Performance measurement tools (URL tags and retargeting pixels)

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Come up with a marketing campaign to continuously promote the three Web portals in an integrated, coherent, and coordinated manner.

Target market

Healthcare and social services professionals: administrators, teachers and students of healthcare programs, and community partners. English-speaking or bilingual managers working in francophone minority communities.


For healthcare workers, remembering to actively offer healthcare services in French is often very low on their list of priorities. We needed a strategy that would stop indifference from setting in. To raise the issue and motivate the public, we needed to come up with a clear, motivational message that could be easily attributed and lead to a solution. The strategy had four phases:

  1. Use Web tools to promote the portals—use tabs to navigate to the portals, integrate tracking pixels into the website, and improve the portals’ interfaces.
  2. Come up with the “Dites français et ça va déjà mieux” campaign and promotional tools.
  3. Improve the “discoverability” of our online presence by implementing an Adwords campaign, buying keywords, merging all CNFS Facebook pages, creating an editorial calendar, and starting client training to spread the word on social medias.
  4. Various media blitzes: Zoom poster campaign at universities, Web banners in RTB, promotional kits, Facebook ads and contests, flyers, and targeted video clips on YouTube.


Visitor traffic to the three portals doubled (with 69% of hits from new visitors), with a total of 8,000 hits logged during the 3-month campaign. The average click rate on promotional videos was 11%, totalling 10,305 views. Merging the Facebook pages allowed us to assemble 400 fans.

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